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Conversation with God

Me: God, I’m tired?

God: My child what are you tired of?

Me: Gee Dad, everything?

God: Why?

Me: (Sighing heavily) where do I start.

God: At the beginning, I did, why can’t you?

Me: ok, I’m tired of hurting, I’m tired of doubting, I’m tired of just being tired, I’m too tired to even explain how freaking tired I am.

God: Watch your mouth my child, I’m still God.

Me: Yes. Father, but I’m just tired.

God: I, I, I.

Me: Yes , I’m tired.

God: Do you know why you’re tired?

Me: No, I just am.

God: Want me to tell you why?

Me: Yeah, like you said, you’re God, you know everything. So please, tell me.

God: Again, watch your mouth. YES I AM! and YES I DO KNOW EVERYTHING !I am the one that created you, I am the one that put breath in you, I AM THE ONE THAT MADE YOU TIRED. I AM THE ONE THAT MADE YOU TIRED OF BEING TIRED. WHY? because you forgot to put me first. You forgot who I am and whose you are. You forgot that in times of trouble it’s me you call on for strength and perseverance, it’s me that makes your enemies your footstool, it’s me that goes to battle for you, it’s me that knows the plans I have for you, and as long as you keep getting in my way, I’m going to keep making you tired. I’m going to make you so tired that you have no choice but to be still and let me do what I do best.

Me: but, but, you’re supposed to be a loving, merciful God. Never putting more on us than we can bear.

God: Aren’t you still amongst the living?

Me: yes

God: then that should tell and show you my grace and mercy. Because if it wasn’t there, if I didn’t give it, you wouldn’t be just tired.

Me: Forgive me Father

God: My child I love you, but sometimes I have to punish you with tiredness so that you may remember who I am. I created you for greatness, and if you keep allowing selfishness to get in the way, I’ll keep reminding you.

Me: I’m not selfish.

God: Yes You Are, you think you can do it all on your own. Forgetting it is through me that all things are possible. It is because of my son you have possibilities to do and become what you are destined for.

Me: Yes Father.

God: Pick your head up, I create royalty so carry yourself as such, and remember you have asked for forgiveness, I’ve granted it, now you just follow my plans, my word and my law and you will be alright.

Me: Thank you Father.

God: Thank you child for finally coming to me for help.


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